Expat-Tations made everything easy for me to obtain my retirement visa. They picked me up at my apartment and waited in line for me and escorted me though the process...
Paul Schulte
Amazing service! Sebastian did a wonderful job. Even with the little extra, they were still the best price available, I checked several! I needed it yesterday and paid a little..
Roger Schwartz
Our experience with Expat-tations was astounding…attention to detail, and follow through was some of the best we’ve experienced. I look forward to using their services again, which are all encompassing……legal..
Susan Showers
Expat-Tations is an excellent all inclusive flat fee “stress free” service for obtaining your US FBI background check. I ran out of time to get that accomplished before I left..
Jennifer Skrbic
Expata-tions is the best way to go through the arduous process of obtaining your permanent residency, it was like someone personally held my hand all the way. It was extraordinarily..