Can I Open a Company in Panama, and Should I?

Opening a company in Panama offers numerous benefits for entrepreneurs and investors, thanks to its strategic location, robust economy, and favorable tax environment. Whether you’re a foreigner looking to expand internationally or an individual seeking new business opportunities, Panama provides an attractive environment for growth. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to establish a business in Panama and whether it’s the right move for you.

Why Start a Business in Panama?

1. Strategic Location

Panama’s geographical position, situated at the intersection of North and South America and home to the Panama Canal, provides direct access to global trade routes. This makes Panama an essential hub for logistics, shipping, and international trade. The canal’s connectivity between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans is crucial for businesses involved in transportation and trade.

2. Stable Economy

Panama has one of the fastest-growing and most stable economies in Latin America. It uses the U.S. dollar as its currency, which provides economic stability and makes it easier for businesses to engage in international transactions. The economy is diversified, with significant contributions from banking, finance, real estate, and logistics sectors, offering a solid foundation for business operations.

3. Favorable Tax System

Panama’s territorial tax system is one of the country’s main attractions for foreign investors. Under this system, only income generated within Panama is subject to taxation, while foreign income is exempt. This tax advantage is particularly beneficial for multinational corporations and entrepreneurs with operations or clients abroad. Panama also offers special economic zones such as the Colon Free Zone and Panama Pacifico, where businesses can enjoy additional tax incentives and benefits.

4. Business-Friendly Legal Framework

Panama is known for its pro-business legal environment, which encourages foreign investment. Foreigners can own 100% of a Panamanian company, and there are no restrictions on transferring profits or capital to other countries. Panama’s government actively supports foreign entrepreneurs through laws that protect investments and provide incentives for starting new ventures.

Setting up a Company in Panama

How to Open a Company in Panama

1. Choose the Right Business Structure

In Panama, the most common types of business entities include:

  • Sociedad Anónima (Anonymous Corporation): Offers privacy for shareholders as their names are not listed in the public registry, which ensures confidentiality.
  • Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (Limited Liability Company – LLC): Requires a minimum of two shareholders and one manager. It’s ideal for smaller businesses looking for a flexible structure.
  • Fundación de Interés Privado (Private Interest Foundation): Typically used for asset protection and estate planning, rather than operating businesses.

Each business structure comes with its own benefits, and it’s important to choose the one that best aligns with your business goals.


2. Business Registration

Once you’ve chosen your business structure, the next step is to register your company with the Public Registry of Panama. This involves submitting the necessary incorporation documents, which include the company’s name, purpose, and structure. Engaging a local attorney is highly recommended, as Panama requires a resident agent to represent the company legally.

3. Licenses and Permits

Depending on the type of business you are starting, specific licenses or permits may be required. For example, if you are opening a restaurant or a retail business, you’ll need health and safety permits. The Ministry of Commerce and Industries (MICI) provides detailed guidance on the licenses necessary for different types of businesses.

4. Corporate Bank Account

Opening a corporate bank account in Panama is essential for business operations. Due to strict financial regulations, banks require detailed documentation, including proof of the company’s registration, tax ID, and the identities of the company’s directors and shareholders. It’s important to work with a lawyer or a financial advisor to navigate this process.

Read more on this on our article about opening a bank account and e-commerce products

5. Tax Registration

You will need to register your business with Panama’s tax authority, the Dirección General de Ingresos (DGI), to obtain a tax ID (RUC). This will allow you to invoice clients and comply with tax obligations. Panama has a flat corporate tax rate on locally generated income.

Costs of Starting and Running a Business in Panama

While the exact costs of starting and operating a business in Panama can vary depending on the type of business and its location, the country is known for its relatively low operational costs compared to many Western countries. There are initial fees for company registration, legal and accounting services, and licenses, but these expenses are often more affordable than in other business hubs.

Should You Start a Business in Panama?


  • Global Connectivity: Panama’s strategic location makes it a key player in international trade and logistics.
  • Tax Benefits: The territorial tax system is highly advantageous for businesses with international operations.
  • Economic Stability: Panama’s stable, dollarized economy provides a solid foundation for both local and foreign businesses.
  • Ease of Setup: With a business-friendly legal framework, starting a company in Panama is straightforward, and the government encourages foreign entrepreneurship.


  • Banking Regulations: Opening a bank account can be time-consuming due to stringent KYC (Know Your Customer) and anti-money laundering regulations.
  • Bureaucratic Processes: While Panama’s business environment is generally supportive, some aspects of the legal and regulatory process can be complex for foreigners, especially if you are unfamiliar with local laws.


Starting a business in Panama presents a wealth of opportunities, from access to global markets to tax advantages and a stable economy. Whether you’re looking to establish a logistics company, start a service-based business, or expand your multinational operations, Panama offers the infrastructure and legal framework to support your endeavors. By working with local experts and carefully planning your business strategy, you can take full advantage of Panama’s business-friendly environment and position your company for success.

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