Do I Need to Learn Spanish in Panama? Where to Learn Spanish in Panama City

While English is widely spoken in many areas of Panama, especially in business districts and tourist hotspots, learning Spanish is highly recommended if you plan to live, work, or integrate into Panamanian society. Spanish is the official language of Panama, spoken by nearly 90% of the population, and mastering the language will open doors to deeper cultural connections and better opportunities.

Whether you need Spanish for day-to-day interactions, business, or social integration, knowing the local language can significantly enhance your experience in Panama. Below, we explore the best places to learn Spanish in Panama City and why doing so is beneficial.

Why Learning Spanish is Important

Though you can get by with English in many parts of Panama (City), particularly in the more urban and expat-heavy areas, relying solely on English can limit your experience. In more rural areas or when dealing with government officials, Spanish is often required. Furthermore, knowing the language will make everyday tasks—such as shopping, navigating services, or even forming friendships—much easier.

For professionals, learning Spanish is even more essential. Many businesses, even in Panama City, prefer to hire individuals who are bilingual, particularly in sectors like real estate, tourism, and customer service. Being able to communicate in Spanish expands job opportunities and helps you integrate into the workplace more effectively.

Best Spanish Schools in Panama City

Panama City offers a wide range of excellent Spanish language schools, each providing unique programs tailored to different skill levels and learning preferences. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your fluency, there’s a program that suits your needs. A quick google search reveals amongst others the following options. Please also do your own research and evaluate each institution for yourself.

  • Spanish Panama Language School: This well-established school has a 20-year history of teaching Spanish to foreigners. Managed by Canadian-Panamanian directors, it offers customized courses, and even salsa dance classes for a fun cultural immersion.

  • Casco Antiguo Spanish School: Located in the historic Casco Viejo district, this school provides lessons for all levels and offers free weekly activities and volunteer opportunities to help you practice Spanish in real-life scenarios.

  • EPA! Spanish School: Offering courses in Panama City and Boquete, EPA! focuses on immersion-based learning through engaging activities. It’s perfect for students who want a more interactive approach to mastering Spanish.

  • ILERI Spanish School: Known as one of the most experienced schools in Panama, ILERI partners with institutions like Brookhaven College, making it a great choice for students who want to earn academic credits while learning.

  • LSI Education: Located in the upscale Punta Paitilla neighborhood, LSI offers general, intensive, and premium Spanish courses. The school provides a more structured and academic approach to learning Spanish.

  • Universidad de Panama: For those looking for a more formal and academic environment, the University of Panama offers comprehensive Spanish courses, ideal for long-term learners or those seeking to integrate Spanish into their professional life.

The Role of English in Panama

While English is the second most spoken language in Panama, it is not as widely used outside of business sectors and tourist areas. Only about 15% of Panamanians are fluent in English, with a higher concentration in urban areas like Panama City. However, in rural regions and with local services, knowing Spanish will be invaluable.

By learning Spanish, you can bridge the language gap and enhance your daily life, from ordering food in local restaurants to building meaningful relationships with locals. It’s also an asset if you’re planning to engage in the real estate market or open a business, as many legal and financial documents are primarily in Spanish.

How Spanish Opens Up New Opportunities

Mastering Spanish can dramatically expand your opportunities in Panama. Many companies, especially in tourism, real estate, and customer service, prefer or require employees to be bilingual. Being fluent in both English and Spanish increases your employability and allows you to connect with a wider range of clients and colleagues.

Furthermore, learning Spanish helps with social integration. It’s easier to build friendships, participate in community events, and engage with local culture when you can speak the language. Spanish classes also provide a structured environment to practice speaking, listening, and understanding the language, allowing you to feel more confident in day-to-day interactions.

Practical Tips for Learning Spanish

  • Enroll in a Language School: Panama City offers many schools that cater to different learning styles, from formal classroom settings to more immersive, interactive experiences.

  • Use Language Apps: Apps like Duolingo or Babbel are great supplementary tools to reinforce vocabulary and grammar outside of class.

  • Join Language Exchange Programs: Participate in local language exchange programs where you can practice Spanish with native speakers while teaching them English. This creates a more engaging and practical way to learn.

  • Practice with Locals: Whether you’re at the market or a social gathering, don’t be afraid to practice your Spanish. Panamanians are generally patient and appreciate the effort to communicate in their language.


While you can navigate parts of Panama with English, learning Spanish offers countless benefits, from making everyday life easier to expanding job opportunities. Enrolling in a Spanish language school in Panama City will give you the skills needed to fully immerse yourself in the local culture and communicate effectively in both personal and professional settings. With options ranging from casual, interactive lessons to more formal academic courses, there’s a Spanish learning program for everyone.

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