Panamanian LGBTQ Groups Push for Equal Marriage Rights with Presidential Candidates

Several LGBTQ groups in Panama are advocating for equal marriage rights and urging presidential candidates to commit to recognizing same-sex marriage. These groups are seeking for the candidates to sign a pact that also promotes laws against discrimination towards the LGBTQ community. The future Panamanian government is expected to comply with the advisory opinion of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, which states that homosexual couples have the same rights as heterosexual couples. The Panamanian Supreme Court rejected recognizing equal marriage in 2023, and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has repeatedly called on Panama to recognize equal marriage.

Key Takeaways:

  • Panamanian LGBTQ groups are advocating for equal marriage rights and laws against discrimination
  • Presidential candidates are being urged to sign a pact supporting same-sex marriage
  • The future Panamanian government is expected to comply with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights
  • The Panamanian Supreme Court rejected recognizing equal marriage in 2023
  • The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has called on Panama to recognize equal marriage

Current State of LGBTQ Rights in Panama

Currently, the recognition of same-sex marriage is not legal in Panama. The country’s justice system rejected the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2023, stating that it does not have the category of a human right in the Constitution.

Homosexuality is considered a “serious offense” in several public institutions, which can lead to dismissal. Additionally, homosexuals and lesbians are not allowed to donate blood in Panama. The Catholic and evangelical churches in Panama have a strong influence and oppose equal marriage.

Despite these challenges, the LGBTQ community in Panama continues to fight for their rights and advocate for marriage equality.

The Impact of Discrimination

The lack of legal recognition for same-sex marriage has significant consequences for LGBTQ individuals and couples in Panama. Without the legal benefits and protections that come with marriage, they face numerous barriers and inequalities.

“Denying same-sex couples the right to marry not only denies them of their fundamental human rights, but also perpetuates discrimination and marginalization within society.”

Same-sex couples are unable to access spousal benefits, joint taxation, inheritance rights, and healthcare benefits that heterosexual couples enjoy. This discrimination hampers their ability to build stable and secure lives as a couple and as a family.

Opposition from Religious Institutions

The Catholic and evangelical churches in Panama have traditionally held significant influence over public opinions and policies. These religious institutions strongly oppose same-sex marriage, citing their religious beliefs and interpretations of scripture.

This opposition from religious institutions not only adds to the challenges faced by the LGBTQ community, but it also creates a societal environment that perpetuates discrimination, stigma, and prejudice.

The Path Towards Equality

Despite the current state of LGBTQ rights in Panama, there is hope for progress. The tireless efforts of LGBTQ activists and organizations continue to raise awareness, challenge discriminatory practices, and advocate for marriage equality.

“It is crucial for Panama to recognize the importance of equal rights and marriage equality for LGBTQ individuals. Only through recognition, acceptance, and inclusion can we build a more just and equal society for all.”

Panama has the opportunity to align itself with the international community’s growing acceptance of LGBTQ rights and marriage equality. By embracing diversity and granting equal rights, Panama can move closer to becoming a more inclusive and progressive society.

LGBTQ Rights in Panama Current Status
Legal recognition of same-sex marriage Not recognized
Protection against discrimination Inconsistent
Allowance to donate blood Prohibited for homosexuals and lesbians

Advocacy Efforts of Panamanian LGBTQ Groups

Panamanian LGBTQ groups are committed to promoting equal rights and advocating for marriage equality. These organizations are at the forefront of fighting for the recognition of same-sex marriage and the establishment of laws that protect the LGBTQ community against discrimination in Panama.

Through their proactive approach, Panamanian LGBTQ groups organize various events, protests, and campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of marriage equality and equal treatment for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Collaborating with international organizations and partnering with other human rights groups within Panama, these LGBTQ organizations amplify their voices and maximize their impact. By working together, they strive to achieve their common goal of creating a more inclusive and accepting society.

“We believe that every individual should have the right to marry the person they love, regardless of gender. Our advocacy efforts aim to change public opinion, influence policymakers, and ultimately pave the way for marriage equality in Panama.” –  LGBTQ activist.

These dedicated activists and organizations are instrumental in challenging societal norms and pushing for the necessary legal reforms. Their persistence is driven by the desire for a more just and equal society, where LGBTQ individuals can live free from discrimination and enjoy the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts. Through their continuous efforts, they are shaping the future for LGBTQ communities in Panama.

Collaboration and Impact

The Panamanian LGBTQ groups actively collaborate with international organizations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International to leverage their global support and expertise. By forging these partnerships, they gain access to resources, guidance, and strategic advice to bolster their advocacy efforts.

Furthermore, these groups collaborate with other human rights organizations in Panama, combining their strengths and amplifying their messages. By uniting under a shared vision, they can create a stronger impact and present a united front in their fight for equal rights.

Challenges and Progress

Despite the progress made by LGBTQ advocacy groups in Panama, they face significant challenges in their pursuit of marriage equality. The strong influence of the Catholic and evangelical churches in Panama, along with societal prejudices, has posed obstacles to their efforts.

Nevertheless, these challenges have not deterred the advocacy groups. They continue to raise awareness, educate the public, and engage in constructive dialogue to challenge prevailing attitudes and beliefs. Their resilience and determination in the face of adversity are crucial in driving social change and fostering acceptance.

By working towards equality and advocating for marriage equality, Panamanian LGBTQ groups play an essential role in shaping the future of LGBTQ rights in Panama. Through their unwavering dedication, they strive to create lasting change and ensure that all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, are afforded the same rights and opportunities.



Panamanian LGBTQ Organizations

Organization Mission Website
Línea Arcoíris Provide support and resources for LGBTQ individuals
Comité de Diversidad Sexual y Género Promote LGBTQ rights and equality through advocacy and education
Somos CDC Advocate for equal rights and social inclusion for LGBTQ communities

Presidential Candidates’ Response to LGBTQ Issues

Despite the efforts of LGBTQ groups, none of the eight presidential candidates in the May 5 elections attended the presentation of the pact for marriage equality. This lack of response from the candidates has been seen as a show of disinterest and disregard for the LGBTQ community. The candidates’ reluctance to openly support LGBTQ rights may stem from the misconception that openly advocating for such rights will cost them votes.

Importance of Equal Marriage for LGBTQ Individuals

The recognition of same-sex marriage and the status of spouse is crucial for LGBTQ individuals and couples in Panama. It not only grants them legal rights and protections but also solves many practical issues faced by LGBTQ couples. By granting equal marriage rights, Panama can eliminate discrimination and provide a more inclusive society where LGBTQ individuals can fully enjoy their rights.

Allowing same-sex couples to marry gives them the same legal rights and benefits as heterosexual couples. It ensures that LGBTQ individuals have access to spousal benefits, such as healthcare, inheritance, and social security. Without legal recognition, LGBTQ couples may face difficulties in obtaining healthcare coverage, making medical decisions for their partners, and securing financial stability.

Beyond legal implications, equal marriage rights have a significant impact on LGBTQ individuals’ emotional well-being. Marriage represents a commitment and validation of their love, providing them with a sense of belonging and acceptance. It affirms their relationships as equal in society and grants them the stability and security that come with legal recognition.

“Equal marriage is not just about rights and benefits; it is about affirming the love and commitment of LGBTQ couples. It sends a powerful message that their relationships are valued and respected in our society.”

Furthermore, recognizing same-sex marriage contributes to social progress and inclusivity. It fosters a culture of acceptance and respect for diversity, challenging societal norms and stereotypes. By embracing marriage equality, Panama can create an environment where LGBTQ individuals feel safe, supported, and equal.

It is worth noting that legalizing same-sex marriage does not infringe on anyone’s rights or beliefs. Rather, it promotes equality and allows LGBTQ individuals to exercise their fundamental rights, just like any other citizen. Respecting and protecting the rights of the LGBTQ community is essential for Panama to demonstrate its commitment to human rights and promote a more equitable society.

LGBTQ community in Panama

By recognizing equal marriage rights, Panama can ensure that LGBTQ individuals and couples have the legal protections, stability, and social acceptance they deserve. It is a crucial step towards achieving full equality for the LGBTQ community in Panama and creating a society where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

International Comparison – LGBTQ Rights in Central America

When it comes to LGBTQ rights, Panama is behind its neighboring countries in Central America. In fact, only Costa Rica has legalized same-sex marriage since 2020, making it a trailblazer in the region. While progress has been made, other countries in Central America still have restrictions and limited rights for LGBTQ individuals.

The push for marriage equality in Panama aligns with the advancements seen in other countries and reflects the growing demand for equal rights and inclusion in the region. LGBTQ individuals and their allies are striving for a more inclusive society where love is recognized and protected, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.


By comparing the state of LGBTQ rights across Central America, we can gain a better understanding of the progress and challenges faced by different countries in the region.


Panamanian LGBTQ groups are at the forefront of the push for equal marriage rights and equal treatment under the law in Panama. Their tireless efforts to urge presidential candidates to commit to recognizing same-sex marriage and promoting laws against LGBTQ discrimination are crucial steps towards achieving equality in the country. These groups have made significant strides in raising awareness, organizing protests, and collaborating with international organizations and human rights groups to amplify their message.

Although the initial lack of response from the presidential candidates is disheartening, it does not diminish the determination of the LGBTQ community and their supporters. Their fight for LGBTQ rights and marriage equality in Panama is far from over. With each passing day, their voices grow stronger as they continue to demand equality and justice for all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Their message is clear: Panamanian LGBTQ groups urge presidential candidates to prioritize marriage equality and work towards creating an inclusive society for everyone. By recognizing the fundamental rights of LGBTQ individuals and ensuring equal treatment under the law, Panama can move closer to building a society that embraces diversity, acceptance, and respect for all.


What are LGBTQ groups in Panama advocating for?

LGBTQ groups in Panama are advocating for equal marriage rights and urging presidential candidates to commit to recognizing same-sex marriage.

What is the current state of LGBTQ rights in Panama?

Currently, the recognition of same-sex marriage is not legal in Panama. The country’s justice system rejected the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2023. Homosexuality is considered a “serious offense” in several public institutions, and homosexuals and lesbians are not allowed to donate blood in Panama.

What are the advocacy efforts of Panamanian LGBTQ groups?

Panamanian LGBTQ groups have been actively advocating for equal rights and marriage equality. They organize events, protests, and campaigns to raise awareness and garner support for their cause. They also work closely with international organizations and collaborate with other human rights groups in Panama.

How have presidential candidates responded to LGBTQ issues in Panama?

None of the eight presidential candidates in the May 5 elections attended the presentation of the pact for marriage equality. This lack of response has been seen as a show of disinterest and disregard for the LGBTQ community.

Why is equal marriage important for LGBTQ individuals?

The recognition of same-sex marriage and the status of spouse is crucial for LGBTQ individuals and couples in Panama. It grants them legal rights and protections and solves many practical issues faced by LGBTQ couples.

How do LGBTQ rights in Panama compare to other countries in Central America?

Panama lags behind neighboring countries in terms of LGBTQ rights. Costa Rica is the only country in Central America that has legalized same-sex marriage, while other countries still have restrictions and limited rights for LGBTQ individuals.

What is the conclusion of the advocacy efforts of Panamanian LGBTQ groups?

The fight for LGBTQ rights and marriage equality in Panama is ongoing. The voice of the LGBTQ community and their supporters will continue to be heard in their quest for equality.

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