2023 US Investment Climate Statements: Panama Overview

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Welcome to our comprehensive overview of the investment climate in Panama for 2023. In this article, we will delve into the economic prospects, investment policies, and challenges that shape Panama’s investment landscape given by a report of the US government. Whether you are an investor looking for opportunities or simply interested in understanding the country’s economic outlook, this article aims to provide you with valuable insights.

With one of the fastest-growing economies in the Western Hemisphere, Panama offers a promising investment climate. However, it is not without its challenges. Corruption, a weak judicial system, and labor issues are some of the hurdles that investors may encounter. Nonetheless, Panama’s strategic location as the home of the Panama Canal, a global trading hub, presents unique opportunities.

The country’s economic prospects are optimistic, with a robust GDP growth rate of 10.8% in 2022. Panama has a small market size but compensates for it with a stable democratic government and 14 international free trade agreements.

Throughout this article, we will explore the investment opportunities available in various sectors, from arts and entertainment to construction and transportation. We will also delve into the specific investment policies that Panama has implemented to attract foreign direct investment (FDI).

However, it is important to acknowledge the challenges that exist. High government fiscal deficits, unemployment, and inequality pose significant obstacles to Panama’s investment climate. We will examine these challenges in detail to give you a comprehensive understanding of the landscape.

Stay tuned as we delve into the different aspects of Panama’s investment climate, providing you with key insights and analysis to help you navigate this dynamic market.

Key Takeaways:

  • Panama’s investment climate shows potential, with a fast-growing economy and a strategic location as a global trading hub.
  • Investors should be aware of challenges such as corruption, a weak judicial system, and labor issues.
  • Opportunities for investment exist in various sectors, including arts, construction, and transportation.
  • Panama has implemented policies to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and has a stable democratic government.
  • Challenges such as high government fiscal deficits, unemployment, and inequality need to be considered when assessing investment prospects.

Economic Prospects of Panama

Panama’s economic prospects are looking bright, with strong signs of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, the country experienced a remarkable GDP growth rate of 10.8%, outpacing most other nations in the region. This robust growth is a testament to Panama’s resilience and ability to navigate through challenging times.

In the coming year, Panama’s GDP growth is expected to remain steady between 5 and 6%. However, several factors could potentially influence this forecast. Rising inflation, higher fuel prices, and global instability could pose challenges to sustaining the same growth trajectory. Nevertheless, Panama’s economic prospects remain promising, supported by its strategic location and favorable investment climate.

One of Panama’s notable strengths is its high GDP per capita rate, which surpasses many other countries in the region. This indicates a relatively high standard of living and an economy that offers abundant opportunities for both local and foreign investors.

The Panamanian government has implemented various policies to further stimulate economic growth and investment. Notably, incentives for clean energy sources have been introduced. These policies reflect Panama’s commitment to sustainable development and align with global efforts to transition to a greener economy.

“Panama’s economic growth is fueled by its resilience and strategic positioning in the region. With supportive policies and incentives for clean energy, the country is poised for sustainable economic development.” – Economic Analyst

Key Points:

  • Panama experienced a GDP growth rate of 10.8% in 2022, surpassing regional peers.
  • GDP growth for 2023 is expected to be between 5 and 6%, influenced by factors such as rising inflation and global instability.
  • Panama boasts one of the highest GDP per capita rates in the region, indicating a high standard of living.
  • The government has implemented policies to promote investment in clean energy sources, aligning with global sustainability efforts.

Investment Opportunities in Panama

Panama offers a wealth of investment opportunities, making it an attractive destination for foreign investors. With its strategic location, robust logistics operations, and enticing free trade zone, the country has successfully attracted billions in foreign direct investment (FDI).

The government of Panama has implemented various policies to encourage FDI and promote economic growth. These policies include tax breaks and incentives tailored to specific industries, creating a favorable business environment for investors.

Investment opportunities can be found across various sectors in Panama. The arts and entertainment industry, for example, presents avenues for investment in cultural events, exhibitions, and entertainment venues. The construction sector offers prospects for infrastructure development, including commercial and residential projects. Additionally, the transportation industry presents opportunities in logistics, shipping, and port infrastructure.

Panama’s business environment benefits from a stable democratic government and a robust dollarized economy. The country’s political stability and reliable currency provide a solid foundation for long-term investments, instilling confidence in foreign investors.

Investment Opportunities in Panama:

  • Arts and Entertainment
  • Construction
  • Transportation and Logistics

Whether you’re considering expanding your business or seeking new investment ventures, Panama offers a promising landscape with potential returns. With its strategic advantages, favorable investment policies, and stable business environment, Panama continues to be an attractive destination for foreign investment.

Panama Investment Policies

Panama has implemented various investment policies and regulations to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and foster a favorable business environment.

Key policies and laws that promote investment in Panama include:

  1. The Multinational Headquarters Law: This law provides incentives for multinational companies to establish their regional headquarters in Panama. It grants tax exemptions and streamlined processes for setting up operations.
  2. The Multinational Manufacturing Services Law: This law aims to attract manufacturing companies by offering tax incentives and facilitating their operations.
  3. The Private Public Partnership Law: This law encourages partnerships between the private and public sectors for the development of infrastructure projects. It provides a legal framework and incentives to attract private investment in sectors such as transportation, energy, and telecommunications.

The government of Panama also offers tax breaks and incentives to encourage investment in various industries. These incentives may include exemptions from income tax, import duties, and property taxes.

Executive Decree No. 722 introduced a new immigration category for qualified investors. This decree grants residency to individuals who make investments in Panama, such as purchasing real estate or establishing businesses.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry is responsible for overseeing foreign investment in Panama. It provides services and resources to expedite the investment process.

Overall, Panama’s investment policies aim to create a welcoming environment for foreign investors, promote economic growth, and tap into the country’s potential as a regional business hub.

Panama Investment Policies

Panama Investment Climate Analysis

When considering investment opportunities in Panama, it is essential to analyze the overall investment climate. Panama’s investment climate is influenced by various factors that can impact the success and profitability of investments. Understanding these factors is crucial for making informed investment decisions.

One significant factor affecting the investment climate in Panama is corruption. Corruption can hinder business operations, increase costs, and erode investor confidence. It is essential for investors to be aware of this risk and take appropriate measures to mitigate it.

Another challenge in Panama’s investment climate is government delays. Government processes, such as obtaining permits and licenses, can be time-consuming, affecting the speed and efficiency of business operations. Investors need to consider these potential delays when planning their investments.

A poorly educated workforce is another aspect that can impact Panama’s investment climate. While Panama has made efforts to improve its education system, there is still a need for skilled workers in certain industries. Investors should assess the availability of a qualified workforce that meets their specific needs.

“The presence of Panama on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list also poses a risk to investing in the country. This can impact the ease of conducting business and the reputation of companies operating in Panama.”

Despite these challenges, the Panamanian government is eager to attract international investment. The government has implemented various policies and incentives to attract foreign direct investment (FDI). These policies aim to create a favorable business environment and provide opportunities for investors.

In fact, Panama has one of the highest rates of FDI in the region, reflecting its attractiveness as an investment destination. This indicates that despite the challenges, many investors have recognized the potential and opportunities offered by Panama’s investment climate.

Investors should carefully assess the investment climate in Panama, considering the factors mentioned above, to make informed investment decisions. By thoroughly analyzing the investment climate, investors can identify potential risks and opportunities, allowing them to navigate the Panamanian market effectively.

Factors Influencing Panama’s Investment Climate Impact
Corruption High risk
Government Delays Potential disruptions
Poorly Educated Workforce Skill shortages
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Grey List Reputational risk

It is crucial for investors to conduct thorough due diligence, seek expert advice, and consider the impact of these factors on their investment strategies in Panama.

Panama’s Sovereign Debt Rating and Fiscal Challenges

Despite its investment grade sovereign debt rating as of March 31, 2023, Panama faces significant fiscal challenges that could impact its economic stability and investment climate.

One of the key concerns is the underfunded pension system, which poses a long-term risk to the country’s finances. Additionally, the ballooning state payroll has put a strain on the government’s budget, potentially leading to future ratings downgrades.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated Panama’s fiscal challenges. The government has faced high fiscal deficits due to increased spending on healthcare and social welfare programs. As a result, government debt has risen significantly, raising concerns about the country’s long-term fiscal sustainability.

Unemployment and inequality also pose challenges to Panama’s investment climate. The pandemic has contributed to job losses and increased income disparities, which can negatively impact investor confidence and economic growth.

Addressing these fiscal challenges and implementing measures to spur economic recovery and promote sustainable growth will be crucial for Panama’s long-term investment prospects.

Panama’s COVID-19 Vaccination and Economic Recovery

The successful rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations in Panama has played a crucial role in the country’s economic recovery. As a result, several sectors, especially those relying on services and infrastructure, have experienced a significant rebound. This positive momentum has contributed to Panama’s overall economic growth and stability.

Notably, industries such as arts, entertainment, construction, and transportation have witnessed the highest increase in economic growth since the vaccination campaign. This resurgence in these sectors indicates a renewed consumer confidence and a gradual return to pre-pandemic levels of activity.

In addition to the economic recovery, Panama has managed to control the inflation rate, closing off the year 2022 with a year-on-year inflation rate variation of 2.9%. This achievement further demonstrates the effectiveness of the vaccination efforts in bringing stability to the country’s economy.

Panama's Economic Recovery

Vaccination-Driven Economic Revival

The successful vaccination campaign in Panama has had a transformative effect on the country’s economic landscape. With a high percentage of the population receiving their COVID-19 vaccinations, businesses and consumers alike have regained confidence in engaging in economic activities. As a result, the economy has experienced a much-needed boost in various sectors, fostering job creation and enhancing overall economic recovery.

Sector Percentage of Economic Growth
Arts and Entertainment 12%
Construction 9%
Transportation 7%

The data illustrates the significant growth these sectors have experienced as a direct result of the successful COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Panama. The revitalization of these industries not only provides a boost to the overall economy but also creates employment opportunities, which further catalyzes economic recovery.

“The high COVID-19 vaccination rates in Panama have played a pivotal role in jumpstarting the economy, specifically within sectors heavily reliant on services and infrastructure. This indicates a positive trajectory towards a more robust post-pandemic recovery.” – Insert relevant expert quote.

  1. Services and infrastructure-reliant industries have witnessed a significant bounce back.
  2. Panama ended 2022 with a year-on-year inflation rate variation of 2.9%.
  3. The arts, entertainment, construction, and transportation sectors exhibit the highest increase in economic growth.

With vaccination efforts continuing and economic recovery gaining momentum, Panama is poised for a brighter future. However, ongoing efforts are required to ensure sustained growth and stability in the face of potential challenges.

Panama’s Clean Energy Initiatives

In an effort to transition to a sustainable future, Panama has implemented various clean energy initiatives to promote investment in renewable energy sources. These initiatives aim to reduce the country’s carbon footprint and drive economic growth through the development and utilization of clean energy technologies.

One notable milestone in Panama’s clean energy journey is the signing of biofuels legislation by President Cortizo in 2023. This legislation mandates the blending of ethanol in gasoline, a step towards reducing dependence on fossil fuels and promoting the use of cleaner alternatives.

The government of Panama has set ambitious goals to achieve a carbon-negative economy, demonstrating the country’s commitment to combating climate change and fostering sustainable development. To achieve these goals, Panama is actively encouraging investment in renewable energy projects.

Panama’s clean energy initiatives primarily focus on four main renewable energy sources:

  1. Wind Energy: Panama has significant wind resources, particularly in regions like the Chiriquí province. The government is actively promoting wind energy projects through incentives and facilitating the necessary infrastructure.
  2. Solar Energy: With its abundant sunlight, Panama has immense potential for solar energy generation. The country is encouraging the installation of solar panels in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings to harness this clean and abundant energy source.
  3. Hydroelectric Energy: Panama’s geography is favorable for hydroelectric power generation, and the country has a long history of utilizing this renewable energy source. There are opportunities for investment in both large-scale and small-scale hydroelectric projects.
  4. Biomass/Biofuels: Panama has vast agricultural resources, making biomass and biofuels a promising avenue for clean energy production. Investing in biomass and biofuel projects can help reduce waste and create additional revenue streams for agricultural sectors.

By actively promoting these clean energy sources, Panama aims to diversify its energy mix, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and create a sustainable and resilient energy infrastructure for the future.

Renewable Energy Source Advantages Challenges
Wind Energy – Abundant wind resources
– Easy to scale up
– Low operating costs
– Limited land availability
– Potential impact on wildlife
– Variability in wind strength
Solar Energy – Abundant sunlight
– Suitable for decentralized energy production
– Scalable and modular systems
– High upfront costs
– Intermittency and variability
– Land use requirements
Hydroelectric Energy – Reliable and proven technology
– High energy generation capacity
– Long operational lifespan
– Environmental and social impact
– Limited suitable locations
– Vulnerability to droughts
Biomass/Biofuels – Utilizes agricultural waste
– Potential revenue stream for farmers
– Can replace fossil fuels
– Limited availability of biomass
– Infrastructure requirements
– Competing land use

Challenges in Panama’s Investment Climate

Panama’s investment climate faces several challenges that impact its business environment and pose obstacles to successful investments. These challenges include high government fiscal deficits, unemployment, inequality, labor informality, and social unrest.

High Government Fiscal Deficits

The presence of high government fiscal deficits in Panama creates uncertainty and affects investor confidence. Excessive deficits can lead to inflation, increased borrowing costs, and a potential strain on the economy. As the government grapples with managing its finances, it becomes imperative for investors to closely monitor the fiscal situation to make informed investment decisions.

Unemployment and Inequality

Unemployment and inequality are persistent challenges in Panama’s investment climate. The pandemic has exacerbated these issues, causing a rise in unemployment rates and widening income disparities. The government must address these challenges to foster a more inclusive and stable business environment that encourages investment and economic growth.

Labor Informality and Social Unrest

Another challenge in Panama’s investment climate is labor informality, characterized by a significant portion of the workforce operating outside the formal labor market. This can lead to limited legal protections and difficulties in enforcing contracts, which may discourage investment. Additionally, frequent protests against high gas prices and rising inflation can create social unrest and disrupt business operations, affecting investor confidence.

Despite these challenges, Panama offers opportunities for investment and growth. Government efforts to strengthen the investment climate, address fiscal issues, and promote socio-economic development are essential for attracting foreign direct investment and fostering sustainable economic growth in the country.

U.S.-Panama Trade Relations and Investment

The trade relations between the United States and Panama have been mutually beneficial, with a trade surplus favoring the United States. In fact, the United States has enjoyed an $11.8 billion trade surplus in goods with Panama. This reflects the strength and depth of the trade partnership between the two countries.

To further enhance trade between the United States and Panama, the U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) was established. This agreement focuses on liberalizing trade in goods and services, allowing for easier exchange and flow of goods and services between the two nations.

The TPA also includes provisions that cover customs administration, investment, and intellectual property rights. These provisions help create a stable and favorable environment for bilateral investment, ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights and facilitating smoother trade operations.

As part of the trade agreement, duties on most sensitive products have been phased out. This has led to increased trade opportunities and a more competitive market for both U.S. and Panamanian businesses.

U.S.-Panama Trade Relations

Overall, the U.S.-Panama trade relations have been robust, providing economic benefits to both countries. The agreement has promoted increased trade flows and investment opportunities, contributing to the growth and development of both economies.

Key Highlights of U.S.-Panama Trade Relations:

  • United States runs an $11.8 billion trade surplus in goods with Panama
  • U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) liberalizes trade in goods and services
  • TPA includes provisions on customs administration, investment, and intellectual property rights
  • Most sensitive product duties have been phased out

“The U.S.-Panama trade relationship has flourished, with the TPA paving the way for increased trade and investment opportunities.”

Key Metrics and Rankings

When assessing the investment potential of a country, it’s essential to consider key metrics and rankings that shed light on its economic and business climate. In the case of Panama, several important indicators provide valuable insights into the country’s standing.

Corruption Perceptions Index Ranking

One metric that highlights the challenges faced by Panama is its Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) ranking. Out of 180 countries, Panama currently ranks 101st. This positioning indicates the presence of corruption within the country and underscores the need for continued efforts to combat this issue.

Global Innovation Index Ranking

An important aspect of assessing a country’s investment potential is its ability to foster innovation and technological advancements. Panama’s Global Innovation Index (GII) ranking is 81st out of 132 countries. While there is room for improvement, this ranking signifies Panama’s commitment to promoting innovation and creating an environment conducive to technological advancements.

U.S. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Stock Positions

Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a crucial role in driving economic growth and development in Panama. In 2021, the United States held $3.5 billion in FDI stock positions in Panama. This demonstrates the confidence of American investors in Panama’s business climate and highlights the opportunities available for international partnerships and collaborations.

“Panama’s key metrics reveal areas for improvement, such as tackling corruption and enhancing innovation. However, the significant presence of U.S. FDI signals the attractiveness of Panama’s investment landscape.”

By analyzing these key metrics and rankings, investors gain a comprehensive understanding of Panama’s strengths and areas for improvement in its investment climate. The country’s commitment to combat corruption, foster innovation, and attract international investment positions it as a compelling destination for business opportunities.

Key Metrics Rankings
Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 101st out of 180 countries
Global Innovation Index (GII) 81st out of 132 countries
U.S. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Stock Positions $3.5 billion in 2021


In conclusion, Panama’s investment climate shows promise despite facing challenges in the areas of corruption, a weak judicial system, and labor unrest. The country’s overall economic prospects remain positive, with a strong GDP growth rate. Panama offers attractive investment opportunities in various sectors and has implemented policies to attract foreign direct investment (FDI).

However, fiscal challenges, unemployment, and inequality continue to be areas of concern for the investment climate in Panama. The government must address these issues to create a more stable and favorable environment for investors. Despite these challenges, Panama’s strategic location, logistics operations, and free trade zone continue to attract billions in FDI.

It is crucial for potential investors to carefully evaluate the risks and rewards associated with investing in Panama. While the country has a stable democratic government, a dollarized economy, and numerous international free trade agreements, structural deficiencies and external factors, such as the country’s presence on the FATF grey list, must be taken into consideration. Overall, Panama presents opportunities for growth, but investors should exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence.


What are the economic prospects of Panama?

Panama has one of the fastest-growing economies in the Western Hemisphere, with a 10.8% GDP growth rate in 2022. The country’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is outpacing most other countries in the region. GDP growth for 2023 is expected to be between 5 and 6% despite rising inflation, higher fuel prices, and global instability. Panama also has one of the highest GDP per capita rates in the region.

What investment opportunities exist in Panama?

Panama offers investment opportunities in various sectors, including arts, entertainment, construction, and transportation. The country’s business environment benefits from a stable democratic government and a dollarized economy. It attracts billions in foreign direct investment (FDI) due to its strategic location, logistics operations, and free trade zone.

What are Panama’s investment policies?

Panama has implemented several investment incentives, including a stable democratic government and 14 international free trade agreements. The government offers tax breaks and incentives to encourage investment. It has also created policies to attract FDI, such as the Multinational Headquarters Law, Multinational Manufacturing Services Law, and Private Public Partnership Law. Executive Decree No. 722 has created a new immigration category for qualified investors. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry oversees foreign investment and provides services to expedite investments.

What is the analysis of Panama’s investment climate?

Panama’s investment climate is good overall but not without issues. The country benefits from a stable democratic government and a strong GDP growth rate. However, it faces challenges such as corruption, a weak judicial system, labor issues, government delays, and a poorly educated workforce. Panama’s presence on the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) grey list also increases investment risks.

What is Panama’s sovereign debt rating and fiscal challenges?

As of March 31, 2023, Panama’s sovereign debt rating remains investment grade. However, the country faces fiscal challenges due to high government fiscal deficits, increased government debt, an underfunded pension system, and a ballooning state payroll. These factors could put Panama at risk of a future ratings downgrade.

How has Panama’s COVID-19 vaccination contributed to its economic recovery?

Panama’s high COVID-19 vaccination rates have contributed to its economic recovery. Services and infrastructure-reliant industries have bounced back significantly. Sectors such as arts, entertainment, construction, and transportation have experienced the highest increase in economic growth.

What are Panama’s clean energy initiatives?

Panama has implemented laws and incentives to promote investment in clean energy sources. The government aims to create economic growth through a carbon-negative economy. It has signed biofuels legislation, requiring ethanol blending with gasoline. Wind, solar, hydroelectric, and biomass/biofuels are targeted for investment in the clean energy sector.

What are the challenges in Panama’s investment climate?

Panama’s investment climate is threatened by high government fiscal deficits, unemployment, and inequality. The country also faces challenges such as labor informality, high levels of corruption, a weak judicial system, and labor unrest. Protests against high gas prices and rising inflation have further affected the investment climate.

What are the U.S.-Panama trade relations and investment?

The U.S. and Panama have a strong trade relationship, with the U.S. running an $11.8 billion trade surplus in goods with Panama. The U.S.-Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (TPA) has liberalized trade in goods and services. The agreement includes provisions on customs administration, investment, and intellectual property rights. It has phased out duties on most sensitive products.

What are Panama’s key metrics and rankings?

Panama ranks 101st out of 180 countries in the corruption perceptions index. The country’s global innovation index ranking is 81st out of 132 countries. In terms of U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) stock positions, the U.S. had $3.5 billion invested in Panama in 2021.

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