Costa Rica Airport Runway Set for $36M Upgrade

Costa Rica Airport – Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport in Liberia is gearing up for a major transformation with a $36 million renovation project to upgrade its runway. This much-needed upgrade is aimed at accommodating increased traffic and larger aircraft for the next decade. The comprehensive renovations will focus on repairing and waterproofing the pavement structure while improving the drainage systems to handle heavy rainfalls.

This crucial infrastructure project is part of the country’s efforts to revitalize and enhance its critical airport facilities. Notably, the funding for this ambitious endeavor was secured through the National Emergency Commission, demonstrating the government’s commitment to rebuilding after the damage caused by Tropical Storm Bonnie.

The runway renovation project is slated to take place over a six-month period, with construction occurring during nighttime hours to minimize disruption to daily flight operations. The schedule has been carefully planned to ensure the airport can continue serving passengers without major interruptions.

Once completed, the upgraded runway will not only offer a safer and more reliable infrastructure but also position Costa Rica’s second busiest airport for continued growth and development. With major carriers already expanding their routes and meeting the increasing demand for travel to Guanacaste’s popular beach resorts, this runway upgrade will play a significant role in supporting the future of tourism and air travel in the region.

Key Takeaways:

  • Costa Rica’s Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport is undergoing a $36 million runway upgrade project to accommodate increased traffic and larger aircraft.
  • The renovations focus on repairing and waterproofing the pavement structure, as well as improving drainage systems to handle heavy rainfalls.
  • Construction will take place during nighttime hours over a six-month period to minimize disruption to daily flight operations.
  • The funding for this project was secured through the National Emergency Commission following damage caused by Tropical Storm Bonnie.
  • Upon completion, the upgraded runway will support the airport’s growth and enhance travel experiences to Guanacaste’s popular beach resorts.

Scope of the Project

The scope of the project at Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport in Costa Rica is extensive, with a focus on the rehabilitation of the sole runway. The runway spans nearly two miles and requires essential repairs and waterproofing of the pavement structure. These measures aim to enhance durability and ensure the longevity of the runway, enabling it to handle increased air traffic effectively. Additionally, the project will include improvements to the drainage systems, preventing water accumulation during heavy rainfalls.

By repairing and waterproofing the pavement structure and enhancing the drainage systems, the airport can maintain the highest safety standards and accommodate the growing demand for air travel. These upgrades are crucial to support the airport’s role in facilitating tourism and transportation in Costa Rica.

Overview of Scope:

1. Rehabilitation of the runway at Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport.

2. Repairing and waterproofing the pavement structure.

3. Improving the drainage systems to prevent water accumulation during heavy rainfalls.

The completion of this project will ensure that the airport’s infrastructure is equipped to handle the demands of an ever-growing tourism industry in Costa Rica.

Scope of the Project Details
Rehabilitation Area Nearly two miles long runway
Main Focus Repair and waterproofing of pavement structure
Improved drainage systems to prevent water accumulation
Objective Ensure durability, longevity, and safety of the runway
Accommodate increasing air traffic

“The rehabilitation of the runway at Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport is a significant stride towards ensuring the safety and efficiency of air travel in Costa Rica. By focusing on repairing and waterproofing the pavement structure, as well as improving the drainage systems, the airport will be well-equipped to handle the growing number of tourists and travelers.”

Construction Schedule and Impact

The runway renovation project at Costa Rica’s Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport is carefully planned to minimize disruption to daily flight operations. Construction will take place nightly from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. over a period of six months. By conducting the construction during nighttime hours, the impact on airport operations and passengers will be minimized.

The project’s efficient scheduling demonstrates the commitment to maintaining the airport’s operational efficiency while undertaking important infrastructure upgrades. This approach allows for continuous airport functionality during the day, ensuring smooth travel experiences for passengers.

The expansion and redevelopment of the Costa Rica airport runway are essential to accommodate the increasing air traffic and support the growth of the region. The construction schedule sets a balance between completing the necessary infrastructure improvements and minimizing disruptions to travelers.

airport runway expansion


Funding and Controversy

The funding for the $36 million runway renovation project at Costa Rica’s Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport was secured through the National Emergency Commission. This significant investment is part of the country’s ongoing efforts to rebuild and enhance critical infrastructure after the substantial damage caused by Tropical Storm Bonnie.

However, the awarding of the project contract to local construction firm MECO stirred controversy. Pedregal, a competing bidder, raised allegations of unequal treatment in the bidding process, specifically questioning the analysis of proposals. Despite the controversy, the project will move forward with MECO as the chosen contractor for the runway renovation project.

In times of infrastructure development and improvement, controversy can sometimes arise. However, it is essential to ensure transparency and fairness in the bidding process to maintain public trust and confidence in such projects.

In the table below, you can see a breakdown of the funding sources for the Costa Rica Airport Construction Project:

Funding Source Amount (USD)
National Emergency Commission $36,000,000

It is crucial to have proper financing in place to support the successful completion of infrastructure projects like this runway renovation. By securing the necessary funding, the project can proceed, ensuring the improvements to the airport’s runway are completed efficiently and to the highest standards possible.

costa rica airport construction project

Controversy aside, the focus remains on enhancing the infrastructure to meet increasing air traffic demands and provide a safe and efficient airport experience for both domestic and international travelers.

Future Benefits and Tourism Impact

Upon completion, the runway renovation project at Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport in Costa Rica is expected to bring several long-term benefits. The modernization and improvement of the airport’s runway will have a significant impact on the tourism industry and air traffic in the region.

The upgraded runway will enable the airport to accommodate larger aircraft for at least the next eight years, providing increased capacity to meet the projected growth in tourism. This enhancement is crucial as Costa Rica’s popularity as a tourist destination continues to soar.

Major carriers such as American, United, and Delta have already recognized the potential of this airport and have begun adding routes to meet the rising demand. With the improved runway, the airport will be able to attract even more airlines and support further growth in both domestic and international travel.

The enhanced infrastructure will have a positive impact on the overall travel experience for visitors to Guanacaste’s popular beach resorts. The seamless connectivity between the airport and these renowned tourist destinations will provide convenience and ease of access for travelers, further solidifying Costa Rica’s position as a top vacation spot.

“The runway improvement project is a game-changer for Costa Rica’s tourism industry. It will not only enhance the transportation infrastructure but also contribute to the country’s economic growth by increasing tourism revenue. The upgraded runway will attract more airlines and open doors to new markets, allowing Costa Rica to continue showcasing its natural beauty to the world.” – [Insert Name], Tourism Analyst

The runway improvement project is long overdue to ensure that Costa Rica’s second busiest airport maintains the highest safety standards and reliability. By modernizing its infrastructure, the airport will be well-positioned to handle the growing number of passengers and support a thriving tourism industry.

Projected Tourism Impact

Costa Rica’s stunning natural landscapes, eco-tourism opportunities, and rich biodiversity have made it a popular destination for travelers seeking adventure and relaxation. The country is known for its beautiful beaches, lush rainforests, and abundance of wildlife.

The enhanced runway will play a vital role in accommodating the increasing number of tourists flocking to Costa Rica every year. Here are some key statistics highlighting the potential tourism impact:

Year Number of Tourists (Arrivals) Tourism Revenue (in millions)
2019 3.14 million $3,705
2020 1.24 million (due to COVID-19) $1,150 (estimated)
2025 (projected) 4.5 million $5,825

The projected increase in tourist arrivals, combined with the rise in tourism revenue, emphasizes the importance of the runway improvement project for Costa Rica’s economic development. A modern and efficient airport infrastructure is essential to sustain this upward trend and ensure a memorable travel experience for visitors.

The runway improvement project at Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport is not just a construction endeavor, but a catalyst for growth and prosperity in Costa Rica’s tourism industry. It demonstrates the country’s commitment to providing world-class facilities and positioning itself as a top international destination.

Conclusion Costa Rica Airport – Daniel Oduber Quirós Upgrade

The ongoing $36 million runway renovation project at Costa Rica’s Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport is a significant investment in the country’s airport infrastructure. With the upgrade, the airport will be able to cater to larger aircraft and meet the rising demand for air travel to the popular beach resorts in Guanacaste. The project plays a crucial role in ensuring safe operating conditions and fostering the airport’s continued growth.

Despite facing challenges in terms of funding and controversies surrounding the project contract, the commitment to improving the airport’s facilities has remained steadfast. The construction schedule, meticulously planned to minimize disruption to daily flight operations, showcases the dedication to maintaining operational efficiency.

Upon completion, the renovated runway will not only support the region’s growing travel sector but will also contribute to the overall development of Costa Rica’s airport infrastructure. The modernization efforts will enable the airport to handle increased air traffic for at least the next eight years, further enhancing the travel experience for visitors to Guanacaste’s stunning beach destinations.


What is the purpose of the runway renovation project at Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport?

The aim of the project is to upgrade the runway to accommodate increased traffic and larger aircraft over the next decade.

What aspects will be focused on during the renovation?

The renovations will focus on repairing and waterproofing the pavement structure of the runway, as well as improving drainage systems to handle heavy rainfalls.

When will the construction take place, and for how long?

The construction will take place during nighttime hours over a six-month period, from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m., to minimize disruption to daily flight operations.

How was the funding for the project secured?

The funding for the $36 million project was secured through the National Emergency Commission as part of the country’s efforts to rebuild after damage caused by Tropical Storm Bonnie.

Was there any controversy surrounding the project’s contract?

Yes, a competing bidder, Pedregal, contested the bidding process, claiming unequal treatment in the analysis of proposals. However, the project will proceed with local construction firm MECO as the contractor.

What will be the long-term benefits of the runway renovation?

The upgraded runway will enable the airport to accommodate larger aircraft, supporting the projected increases in tourism and air traffic. It will also enhance the overall travel experience for visitors to Guanacaste’s popular beach resorts.

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